SON OF A HITMAN is a new podcast documentary series produced and hosted by Jason Cavanagh, that dives into the deadly world of Charles Harrelson, a womanizer, a card shark, and possibly one of the most notorious hitmen of all time. He is also the father to A-list actor, Woody Harrelson. Jason Cavanagh investigates each of the three murders Charles Harrelson was charged with, including the first assassination of a federal judge in United States history, all while seeking to unravel the Harrelson’s claim… that he was involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Listen to episodes below.





Chapter 1: All He Has Done
Host Jason Cavanagh introduces us to the hitman Charles Harrelson, father of actor Woody Harrelson. Through conversations with Charles’ son Brett, prosecutor Ray Jahn, and criminal defense attorney Danny Sheehan, we begin to learn about the three murders Charles Harrelson was charged with, including the assassination of a federal judge.

Chapter 2: Everybody Liked Charlie
Jason travels to Texas to learn about the origins of hitman, Charles Harrelson, and begins a deep dive into the first murder he was charged with – the killing of carpet salesman, Alan Berg.

Chapter 3: A Mobster, a Murderer, and A Bookie
Jason confronts the man who allegedly hired Charles Harrelson to commit the first murder he was charged with. Through further conversation with the victim’s brother, we learn there may be more to the motive of the killing than originally believed.

Chapter 4: Stoughtenborough
The second murder Charles Harrelson was charged with is the killing of a grain dealer from Hearne, Texas. Jason analyzes the case to see if Charles’ M.O. fits the bill for the higher profile murders he’s been tied to.

Chapter 5: The Beginning of the End
Jason investigates the motive behind the assassination of Federal Judge John Wood, and learns that it all begins with a drug smuggling kingpin…

Chapter 6: A Very Unusual Witness
Jason digs into the FBI’s two year investigation of the assassination of Federal Judge John Wood, which costs over $12 million dollars… but something isn’t adding up with their star witness.

Chapter 7: Zero Population Growth
Jason heads to Midland, Texas to meet with the eldest Harrelson son - Jordan. He looks at the Judge’s assassination from Charles Harrelson’s perspective, through actual transcripts from the trial. A conversation with drug smuggling kingpin Jimmy Chagra’s eldest son turns the case on its head.

Chapter 8: If You Want to Be a Hitman
Back in Los Angeles, Jason tells Brett Harrelson about the new revelations uncovered in Texas, and begins digging into the allegations regarding an alternate suspect.

Chapter 9: How to Disappear People Completely
Jason Cavanagh nears the end of his investigation with a call to an alleged suspect, a push for an A-list celebrity’s involvement, a trip to Vegas, and a promise made to reveal the dark underbelly of it all.

Chapter 10: Iconoclast
In the season finale, Jason tries to make sense of the Charles Harrelson story, once and for all, as a wealth of new information comes to light.

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